Add Exp Types Dialog Box

Use the Add Expense Type dialog box to create expense types.


To display the Add Expense Type dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Expense menu, click Settings > Expense Report Types.
  2. On the Expense Types tab of the Expense Report Types screen, click Add Expense Type.

Contents Add Expense Type Dialog Box

Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

If you are adding an expense type, use the drop-down list to select the category for the expense type. This will determine the "grouping" on the expense report.

If you are editing information for a previously assigned expense type, you cannot change the category.

Expense Type

If you are adding an expense type, use this drop-down list to select the expense type.

If you are editing information for a previously assigned expense type, you cannot change the expense type itself.


In Taxable, indicate if the expense type is taxable and, if it is, what type of tax applies.

The available options are Not Taxable, VAT Taxable, Use Taxable, and Sales Taxable.

Tax Schedule

If the expense type is taxable, select the tax schedule that this expense type will use in Tax Schedule.

You can select any tax schedule that is set up with the same type of tax.

Note: If the expense type has been used on an expense report with this expense report type, you cannot change the tax schedule.
Field Description
Modify Tax Rate

If the expense type is taxable, select the Modify Tax Rate check box if you want employees to be able to modify the system-calculated tax amounts for this type of expense when they enter expense reports.

Note: An employee is only able to modify the tax rate if both this check box and the Modify Tax Amounts check box for his or her expense class are selected.

In addition, the extent of the change may be limited by the tolerance percentage for the rate in the tax schedule. The tolerance percentage is the percentage that an employee-entered tax amount can deviate from the system-calculated amount.

Distribute Taxes

If the expense type is taxable, select the Distribute Taxes check box if you want to be able to distribute tax amounts to different accounts or orgs than those to which the expense amounts are assigned. If you select Distribute Taxes, Time & Expense with ESS uses the information entered for Tax 1 and Tax 2 for the applicable charge type to determine how the tax amounts should be distributed.

If you do not select the Distribute Taxes check box, tax amounts for the expense type are not broken out from the rest of the expense amount in the charge allocation for the expense.

If Taxable contains Not Taxable, the Distribute Taxes check box is not available.


Select the Active check box to make the expense type active and available for use on expense reports.


Select the Default check box if you want the expense type to be assigned as the default expense type for this category on expense reports for this expense report type.

Note: An expense report type can only have one default expense type for a given category. If you previously selected a default for a category and then select Default for another expense type for the same category, the second expense type automatically replaces the first as the default.

When you select Commitment, the expense type is included in Commitments calculations for this expense report type.